Mission & Bylaws

The mission of the Cheney Blackhawk Booster Club is to create the "Blackhawk Home Court Advantage" that inspires students, athletes, coaches, parents and the community to collectively create a positive and spirited atmosphere for all extra-curricular and athletic programs.  We are volunteers who wish to serve and lead by example.  We support through fundraising, stand behind strong moral character and good sportsmanship and promote a winning school spirit by encouraging attendance at all Cheney High School activities. 


Revised December 2023


        I.            The Cheney Blackhawk Booster Club (CBBC) is a group of volunteer supporters of Cheney High School activities. It is not a part of Cheney Public School District; however, it works closely with the personnel of the district. The CBBC is a 501©3 non-profit organization.

     II.            The goals of the CBBC are:

a.       To provide support for the ongoing extra-curricular activities and educational experience of the students of Cheney High School in Cheney, WA.

b.      To promote excellence in sportsmanship and education through the goals of Cheney High School.

c.       To serve as liaisons between the community and the school while promoting awareness of the needs of the students and faculty.

d.      To provide economic support for ALL Cheney High School activities when possible.

   III.            Membership:

a.       The membership of the Cheney Blackhawk Booster Club shall consist of those who have a sincere interest to promote the goals of the club as stated.

b.      Membership shall consist of any person who has (in any combination of 3 or more):

                                                              i.      Attended 50% of the monthly meetings in the past year

                                                            ii.      Volunteered to assist in the concessions or spirit gear sales

                                                          iii.      Are acting in the role of parent liaison for one or more activities of CHS

                                                          iv.      Have given financially in support of the CBBC

                                                             v.      Helped promote the goals of the CBBC during the current school year

c.       Elected officers of the club shall be called the Executive Board.

d.      The Executive Board and all current committee chairpersons will be called the Executive Committee.

e.       All Executive Committee members must be current club members.

f.        Meeting of the general membership shall be held the first Wednesday of the month unless it there is a district conflict; in which case it will be held at a time to be determined by the Executive Board.

g.       Meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on the last Friday of the month unless there is a district conflict, in which case it will be held at a time to be determined by the Executive Board.

h.      Special Meetings of the Executive Board and/or Committee shall be held as deemed necessary by the President or a majority vote of the Executive Board members. Special meetings of the entire membership may be called at the discretion of the Executive Board.


   IV.            Voting Privileges

a.       At any meeting, a majority of the Executive Board must be present for voting purposes.

b.      Each Executive Board member shall be entitled to one vote on any item presented to them. Board members must be present at current meeting to vote.

c.       Any motions shall be voted on by Executive Board members only. Majority approval is necessary for passage.

d.      All motions presented for approval must be acted on by the end of the monthly meeting the following month, unless otherwise noted or required.

e.       Any changes to bylaws that might affect monetary issues must be voted on by Executive Board.

f.        Any ties which occur during a vote will be broken by going to a vote of the Executive Committee.

g.       When necessary to move an issue forward, voting can occur via email.

      V.            Request for Actions by CBBC

a.       All grant requests must be presented  by completing the Grant Request Form on the CBBC website.  The coach/advisor/parent liaison is then welcome, but not required, to present their request  to the Executive Board at their next monthly meeting.

b.      All Allocated Fund requests can either be submitted via the form available on the CBBC website, or by email request to the treasurer(s).

c.       All requests will be reviewed, discussed and voted on per Article IV.

d.      All approved monetary requests must be paid by end of current school year. No request may be carried over to the following year.

e.       Dispersement of approved monetary requests will be coordinated between the coach/advisor/parent liaison that made the request and the CBBC treasurer. It is the preference of the CBBC that all dispersements be made directly to a vendor.

   VI.            Executive Board

a.       President: The President shall set the agenda and preside over the monthly meetings and supervise all actions that take place. The President will be the liaison between the Athletic department, Cheney High School administration and the Cheney Public School District administration. The President will oversee and assist all committee chairpersons as needed.

b.      Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties and assume the responsibility of the President in that person's absence..

c.       Secretary: The Secretary shall keep all records of the meetings and be responsible for all correspondence as directed by the President. At monthly meeting have minutes from previous meeting available for review and approval.

d.      Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and be accountable for all funds belonging to the CBBC. The duties include; maintain the bank account, receive invoices and pay, and pay all obligations incurred by club authorization. The Treasurer will work closely with all committee chairpersons regarding receiving invoices in a timely manner and paying these obligations. The Treasurer shall account for all monies received from sales and verify by count of two person. At  monthly meeting, the Treasurer shall provide a financial statement and answer questions that may arise. If unavailable, the Treasurer will provide a financial statement through proxy.

 VII.            Election of the Executive Board

a.       Candidates shall be nominated by Executive Committee members during the monthly meeting in April.

b.      Candidates shall preferably come from current membership.

c.       Candidates will be voted on by all members present at the monthly meeting in May.

d.      The June meeting shall be conducted by the current Board with the incoming officers observing.

e.       The term of office shall be for two years, commencing July 1. Any vacancy occurring on the Executive Committee shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

f.        The chain of Executive Board command is as follows:

                                                              i.      President

                                                            ii.      Vice President

                                                          iii.      Secretary

                                                          iv.      Treasurer(s)

                                                             v.      The duties become the responsibility of next member in the chain of command until a special election can be held to fill the vacant position.

VIII.            Committees

a.       The President shall appoint chairpersons for the following to be approved by the  Executive Board:

                                                              i.      Concessions:

1.      Responsible for purchasing and stocking all food, beverages, and related items in concession stands.

2.      Maintaining inventory count of all items needed in concession stand.

3.      Maintaining working relationship and communication with Treasurer(s) on all purchases, inventory and other money-related matters.

4.      Staffing the concession stand(s) during events at Cheney High School. There must always be a Booster Club member in the concession stand during an event.

5.      Communicating with the Athletic/Activities Director and/or CHS staff regarding staffing, the calendar of events and any  other Concessions’ related issues.

6.      No one group, activity, and/or club may use concession stands for their use without Cheney Public School District approval.

7.      All profits must be placed in the CBBC treasury to be used for the benefit of Cheney High School student activities.

                                                            ii.      Spirit Gear:

1.      Responsible for purchasing and stocking all spirit gear and related items for spirit gear sales.

2.      Maintaining inventory count of all items needed for spirit gear sales.

3.      Maintaining working relationship and communication with Treasurer(s) on all purchases, inventory and other money-related matters.

4.      Staffing spirit gear sales during events at Cheney High School.

5.      Communicating with the Athletic/Activities Director and/or CHS staff regarding the calendar of events and any  other spirit gear related issues.

6.      All profits must be placed in the CBBC treasury to be used for the benefit of Cheney High School student activities.

                                                          iii.      Communication/Social Media:

1.      Responsible for scheduling and sending reminders of monthly meetings. May be via phone, email and/or social media. Also may coordinate communications with the Cheney School District Communications Department.

2.      Publishing a notice in the newsletter sent home by Cheney High School with mid-term and quarterly grades.

3.      Sending other blast email and social media communications to the CBBC membership.

                                                          iv.      Sponsorships:

1.      All CHS sponsorships relative to extracurricular activities falls under the purview of the CBBC. Sponsorships are a critical fundraising function of the CBBC, which target local businesses and organizations, allowing them to advertise and also show their support of CHS activities. The CBBC will maintain several sponsorship levels and opportunities for area organizations to support and be a part of CHS activities. A sponsorship committee may be created to assist the sponsorship chairperson in all sponsorship activities.

2.      Responsible for obtaining all sponsorships for the CBBC and communicating with local businesses regarding their CHS sponsorship opportunities and benefits.

3.      Distributing all sponsorship benefits to the sponsors in a timely manner.

4.      Coordinating sponsorship signage with CHS staff.

5.      Preparing, tracking and working through the annual sponsorship action plan and checklist, which includes such things as sending out annual reminder of renewal, creating a plan for selling sponsorships, and possible mailings to potential sponsors.

                                                             v.      Memberships:

1.      Memberships are also a critical fundraising opportunity of the CBBC. Memberships allow individuals and families the opportunity to provide financial support of CHS activities. The CBBC will maintain several membership levels and opportunities for individuals and families to support and be a part of CHS activities. A membership committee may be created to assist the membership chairperson in all membership activities.

2.      Responsible for preparing, tracking and working through the annual membership action plan and checklist, which includes such things as finding ways to publicize the membership plans, tracking memberships through the CBBC website, sending out renewal notices to existing members and communicating with new members.

3.      Preparing and distributing membership kits to new members.

   IX.            Parent Liaisons

a.       A key role in the CBBC is that of the parent liaison. Each activity is encouraged to designate a parent liaison to help in their volunteering and fundraising efforts.  Some of the responsibilities of a parent liaison are:

                                                              i.      Attend CBBC monthly meetings

                                                            ii.      Act as the representative and/or spokesperson for their activity

                                                          iii.      Assist the coach or advisor in any volunteer efforts, such as staffing Concessions for any dates that the activity has signed up to staff

                                                          iv.      Assist their coach or advisor in any efforts that require parent support or assistance

                                                             v.      Coordinating the exchange of monies between the activity and the CBBC

                                                          vi.      Being the point person for any and all fundraising activities for their activity


      X.            Donations

a.       Donations are another key fundraising mechanism for the CBBC. The CBBC website has a feature, allowing for general and/or specific donations. Donations can be made for a specific item or issue (helping the band go to Nationals), a specific activity ($500 to baseball), or just giving to the general fund of the CBBC. But, unlike Memberships and Sponsorships, there are no benefits associated with a Donation.

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Our Generous Sponsors:
Lydig Construction, Inc.
Baker Construction & Development, Inc.
CHAS Health
Holiday Inn Express
Rosa's Pizza
Hatch Law Office
Heritage Funeral and Cremation
Cheney Lanes / Brad's Batting Cages
become a Cheney Blackhawk Booster Club sponsor
We Thank Our Members:
  • Team Bertelsen...
  • the Whitman family...
  • the Crabb family...
  • the Gregg family...
  • the Bowman family...
  • the Wilson family...
  • the Syron family...
  • Luck Junky Consulting...
  • the Gleason family...
  • Brett & Jillian Zeisler...
  • Jamie & Jeremy Reed...
  • the Jordan family...
  • The Krasselt Family...
  • The Burcham Family...
  • the Hubbs family...
  • the Marini family...
  • Ryan and Anne Vold...
  • the Watkins family...
  • Betty Hatch...
  • John & Becky Graham...
  • the Valliant family...
  • the Stinson family...
  • Weathers Family...
  • The Brown Family...
  • Adam & Meredith Richards...
  • the Whitman family...
  • the Kennedy family...
  • the Randles family...
  • the Thornburg family...
  • the Rucker family...
  • the Calonge family...
  • Luke and Teresa McCorkel family...
  • The Byrd Family...
  • the Magalsky family...
  • The Ragaza-Bourassa family...
  • the Tollett family...
  • Casey & Nikki Kinzer...
  • Ray and Amy Schmitt...
  • the Volk family...
  • John & Sara Mink...
  • Krisann Hatch & James Sloan...
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