CBBC Grant Request

Hello Coaches & Advisors!  This is YOUR page to request funds for your team or activity.  Please review the policies below and complete the form.  Your CBBC Board will be happy to review your request and get back to you soon!

Policy on Disbursement:


a.  Funds for Equipment and Supplies:

The Board will attempt to fund as many requests as possible for capital equipment and supplies, such as:  uniforms, associated clothing, and associated equipment necessary for any sport or activity.

b.  Funds for Travel: 

The Board may fund travel requests for certain activities, especially if their need for equipment and supplies is limited compared to that of other groups or activities.  Other request for travel funds may be funded, however, it is the Boards' intent to recognize all activities fairly and equitably.  

c.  Funds for Social Events:

The Board may consider requests for funds to be applied for social events, end of season parties, social functions, team-building or school spirit events, or awards for teams. 

d.  Funds for Extraordinary Items:

The Board will consider requests for funds for extraordinary items not specifically set forth above, based upon the recommendation of the members or parent liaison.  In considering such requests, the Board shall consider its mission, bylaws, goals and guidelines set forth herein. 

e.  Approval:

Each grant request will be reviewed and voted on by the Board.  The decision to approve a disbursement shall be made by a majority vote of Board members present during the grant request review. Consideration for assigning funds will be carried out as fairly and equitably as possible according to a number of criteria which include by way of illustration and not limitation:  

  1. The amount of funds available
  2. The amount of the grant request 
  3. The amount of funds recently disbursed to a particular activity
  4. The number of students affected by the request
  5. The urgent need for the request
  6. The volunteer time given by the students and parents of the particular club or sport

The Board prefers to consider activity requests prior to the purchase of equipment, supplies, travel or extraordinary items.  Requests made for CBBC funds after purchases have occurred will not be presumed to be reimbursed but will be considered according to the above-mentioned criteria and will not take priority or have preference over other requests. 

f.  Distribution of Funds:

At the discretion of the Board, the Board will attempt to fund requests four times a year, during the months of September, December, February and May.  However, exceptions may be made at the full discretion of the Board. 





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  • the Gregg family...
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  • the Calonge family...
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  • the Rucker family...
  • John & Becky Graham...
  • Jamie & Jeremy Reed...
  • The Brown Family...
  • John & Sara Mink...
  • the Randles family...
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  • the Thornburg family...
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  • the Bowman family...
  • the Stinson family...
  • Ray and Amy Schmitt...
  • Brett & Jillian Zeisler...
  • Betty Hatch...
  • Luck Junky Consulting...
  • Adam & Meredith Richards...
  • the Marini family...
  • the Jordan family...
  • Casey & Nikki Kinzer...
  • The Ragaza-Bourassa family...
  • the Whitman family...
  • the Crabb family...
  • the Volk family...
  • Krisann Hatch & James Sloan...
  • Luke and Teresa McCorkel family...
  • Ryan and Anne Vold...
  • The Krasselt Family...
  • the Magalsky family...
  • The Burcham Family...
  • the Tollett family...
  • Team Bertelsen...
  • the Wilson family...
  • Weathers Family...
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